[Creation] Roller Coaster!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Moms_CreditCard, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. Hello my fellow EMC players, I here to show my latest project on ./v 1778. A wooden roller coaster, the res is going to be based on a "ghost" town...there will be be small shops and something else (TBA)... I would like you help support my creation and future ones to come...
    *update #3*
    I added a canyon through a hold part (sketch coming soon) and a launch


    *update #2*
    The mountain has been changed to a mine and the theme of the res is now a Mine Town (Submit a name for the town if you like,best name is picked and wins a prize [TBA])


    Here are some pictures:


    Donate rupees and harded brown clay:

    This is why I need harded brown clay:
    2013-11-17_10.11.40.png 2013-11-17_10.11.49.png

    Thank you for viewing my latest creation..
  2. Image is Broken
    DeadPresident likes this.
  3. it is fixed..
    DeadPresident likes this.
  4. You should try hosting with Image-Shack, easier direct links so viewers don't have to go offsite. It looks not bad. The texture pack you use is interesting, very flat. How much hardened clay do you think you'll need?
    DeadPresident likes this.
  5. It's going to be a mountain so about 1 sc or more and I don't what is happening with the images still fixing :/ ...
    DeadPresident likes this.
  6. Is the track contiguous thus far?
    DeadPresident likes this.
  7. Continuous? As of right now I'm focusing of the mountain then I'll work on the station :)
    DeadPresident likes this.
  8. Not "continuous," contiguous :p I mean does it make a full cycle without any unfinished sections?
    DeadPresident likes this.
  9. The track is complete and I also added a part to make it longer, donate to give it a try :)..
    DeadPresident likes this.
  10. k thanks for the support :D
    DeadPresident likes this.
  11. *update* HARD CORE PARKOUR is coming with the release of the roller coaster ;)
    DeadPresident likes this.
  12. Why do you need hardened clay :3 The texture pack...
  13. It is going to be used to make a mountain, you can come visit 1778 (OCD texture park)
    DeadPresident likes this.
  14. Thank you my good sir :D
  15. I donated 2k cuz stuff
    DeadPresident likes this.
  16. *update #2* Teh stuff I made with the donations :D
    DeadPresident likes this.
  17. *update #3* Even longer ride :D
    DeadPresident likes this.
  18. umm *bump*
    DeadPresident likes this.