[Closed Selling] Reses on smp6

Discussion in 'Selling' started by luckycmusic45, Aug 25, 2018.

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  1. Hey guys, I am selling 4 forceclaimable reses on smp6 (12812, 12930, 12931, and 12932). I will take 75k each. Let me know if you want one of my reses.

  2. im confused, if there forclaimable why would someone buy them? and is there something special about these reses?
  3. jewel King, i can no longer access my old account (luckycmusic45). I don't have access to those reses anymore and I've gone through Mojang trying to recover my old account but have failed. I am under a new account now with a new username (luckycmusic45a) and that's why I want those reses gone. I guess I won't put a price on my reses. I just want them gone or reset
  4. I think jewel_kimg means that someone can just forceclaim them without paying?
  5. Okay that's fine.
  6. Sorry to hear that, i didnt mean it was right for someone to just forceclaim them just someone might
  7. Wait, can you contact Mojang and ask them to reset the password
  8. I've already have big kev but have failed
  9. Oh that sucks. Anything good on the res that you have lost?
  10. well i had a shop and they were some good stuff i guess but it doesn't matter cause i no longer want it anymore. I can't access it anyway.
  11. Lucky maybe ask staff if they could allow you to get the stuff???
    TomvanWijnen and FadedMartian like this.
  12. That's a good idea xSkitzie. I'm sure they can prove it was your ALT as per the IP address
    FadedMartian likes this.
  13. Guys, I don't know now if I want to get the stuff. I've already gotten my stuff from one res. I don't need the others. Sorry. A long time ago I went to one res and transferred it to smp2 at my new res. I don't need any other items from the other reses. I got what I need but thank you for the advice.

    I just want my 4 reses either claimed by somebody else or resetted. Xskitzie, if you can have at least one more res, you can have one of my reses.
  14. You can't "sell" a residence that any player can forceclaim. The reses will be reset by the system or forceclaimed by other players in time. Closing thread.
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