[closed] Looking for a shop manager job.

Discussion in 'Players for Hire' started by ElephantsRoar, Aug 21, 2017.

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  1. I am looking for a shop manager job. I want to manage a shop and get paid some money. That's it!!!
  2. Good luck ! It's not an easy thing to let someone brand new to have access to all their belongings.

    I suggest starting your own. All smps need more shops.
    ShrinkingMatt likes this.
  3. I have a mall
  4. If you have a Mall, then i dont understand what your looking for.

    A shop Manager is someone who manages a Shop/Mall (If it be the Owner or if the Owner hires another to do it for them).

    Usually it is more or less if the mall/shop owner are good friends with the manger. Otherwise, You would be more a Shop Keeper/Stocker/Supplier where you keep the shops stocked, but dont have comatiner, but sell to shop signs for the mall owner. (Usually to the shop, or to a suppliers room).

    I would suggest getting to know people, and see how the Econ works, as well as run a shop of your own for a while before you take it to the next step.

    Also Small FYI, a Shop Manager does not get paid unless they have shops in that mall or supply items. Otherwise, why pay someone to have perms to the shops while they dont do anything.

    DarkModFallen likes this.
  5. This thread is closed per OP's request. =]
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