[Closed]I need EMC's help.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DonkKing, Apr 29, 2018.

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  1. So this is my thought. I make a res dedicated to like New Player Packages. So basically in the package is 1 Stack of Logs, 1 Stack of Food, A written book, 3 diamonds and a few more things. They would all be in a shulker box. But here is the problem, shulkers are expensive, so expensive I can only buy 1. And another problem is how will they "enter" to get one, is it defaulted when they join the game or what? I need your help thinking of who will get one and what else to put inside them and "fundraising" for shulkers and other items to go inside like diamonds.

    EDIT: We could also add a lava bucket in each one.
  2. What y'all think I could make better?
  3. I'm thinking this was an illegal bump...

    Why not just set up chests with access signs on them and go with out shulker boxes.. It's cheaper and the thrill of going to the End and acquiring shulker shells will be taken away from those poor new players. Also diamonds are so common due to voting, which new players should be encouraged to do.
  4. Ok well how will people know about it when they first join? And how will they "apply"?
  5. I was thinking you had to answer some of my questions and see if it meets my requirements.
  6. So if a new player (which /newplayer or /p can tell you) doesn't answer the questions right, will they be denied free gifts? If that is the case I can't see this lasting specially if you want "Donations" to help new players.
  7. Well it would be based on if they are 30 days or under. If above 30 days then we go into a deeper analysis, if 30- then its free. Also they would have to apply by sending me a PM.
  8. First, small warning, be careful with bumping your thread too quickly and too often. Bumping is basically posting something small which doesn't really add much extra to the thread and, well, is basically only meant to "bump" it (as in: try to get more attention to it. "Bump" basically means "Bring Up My Post"). On EMC we're only allowed to bump once every 3 hours.

    Anyway... my idea.. why set such high standards or expectations for yourself? Start small and slowly work your way up. For example: sure, shulker boxes can be expensive if you're just starting to play, but as you slowly progress and earn more money it'll be much easier to get them.

    And you can always try and set up an expedition to the End to try and find some End cities to fight shulkers and hopefully get some shells. Heck, you might even find an Elytra while you're at it.

    That would be my advise here... start small and slowly, but steadily, work your way up.
  9. Do you like the idea though? I think if I get a good amount of people who like it I will make a pickup/donation res for it.
  10. The current new player pack you get from EMC contains the above items, except the diamonds.

    I believe the command is /promo newplayer
    MajorHaze likes this.
  11. Well yes but, this is like more extensive. So do you guys think this is a good idea or no? Cause I think it is and would like to continue but I need community support.
  12. Good point, plus you get like 16 diamonds for registering your email for the forums.
  13. The concept is good but the execution you're wanting isn't. You're 7 day old player, just think about yourself for right now and then once you're more adjusted you can probably get this thing off the ground.
    Big__Kev likes this.
  14. We can never tell you what to do. I'd you believe it will benefit the community, then give it ago!

    In my opinion, you will be wasting your time. Most new players go straight to waste and mine for the goods they want to start their base in town. They also get a free rupees when they register & sign up to forums.

    They are also given heaps of good advice in community chat.
  15. Well, this came to mind because when I joined I feel like I needed more help. What items do you think would be good to come in the package?
  16. How do you plan on funding this idea?
  17. I have a ok amount of rupees right now and if people feel its a good idea and want to donate they can but they don't have to. If its a stack or two of some block I will go gather that myself.
  18. I know this is an illegal bump but... what do YOU guys think should be in the chests?
  19. 2 hours between bumps are fine, relax lol

    I think that just the basics you need, the /promo newplayer does a good job at that but coal, torches, diamond tools. I mean just the toolset alone can get a new player going.
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