(closed) DC of Obsidian

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Cloudpaw66, Jan 28, 2024.

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  1. Auction #1
    DC of Obsidian

    Nether portals, enchantment tables, explosion-proof bunkers...all require obsidian to construct. Formed by carefully combining water and lava, this block requires a diamond pickaxe to mine and is considered of the more dangerous blocks to acquire given it's usual proximity to lava. I spare you the risks of acquiring it so that you may enjoy it!

    Also, I'm back! Cloudpaw666 might have passed into the ether, but Cloudpaw66 with continue their work in their stead. Since I do not recall what the last auction number was, we'll start over! Now, for the auction itself:

    Item: DC of Obsidian
    Starting Bid: 30k
    Minimum Bid Increment: 1k
    Auction Ends: 24 hours after last valid bid

    The winner of this auction can receive their items at the Fire Temple at /v 15264 on smp7. the place is still under construction, but the auction room is fully built.
  2. Congrats, you are this auction's winner! The chest will be marked at the auction pickup area of the Fire Temple!
  3. Sign set up. Let me know if you have issues. Otherwise, enjoy!
  4. will log in tmrw to pay and pick up
  5. With the payment received and the items acquired, this auction is CLOSED!
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