[Closed] [Auction] SC of iron ingots

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Ariesis, May 1, 2019.

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  1. Items: Single Chest of iron ingots
    Auction bid starts at 1r
    Minimum bid increase: 1k
    Bid ends 24 hours after the last valid bid
  2. Will you allow Sharpie42 to run away with all this iron for 1r?!?!
  3. did I really take it for 1r?
    Ariesis likes this.
  4. Yea almost
  5. no I bid yesterday at 9:31. it is 10:50
  6. It says 11:30am on my side. Last bud was valid
  7. That's emc time, you almost won
  8. must not be empire time...
  9. Ariesis likes this.
  10. "Yesterday at 11:30am" that's the time stamp I see on the auction
  11. so I won right?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. yes, once you pay 3k, i will set up access chest!! congrats
  13. Chest set up at /v 15391 on smp7, thank you all for auctioning
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