[CLOSED][AUCTION] Entry No. #66666 (Beacons+Miniboss Drops!)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by D_ceased, Jan 29, 2018.

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  1. An entry of useful, shiny items in groups of 6's, along with 2 deadly weapons straight from the minibosses themselves!

    6 Beacons
    2 DC's of Iron Ingots*
    6 Stacks of Shiny Flesh
    6 Stacks of Shiny Arrows
    1 Momentus's Toothpick
    1 Marlix's Bow

    *compressed into Blocks

    STARTING BID: 6,666 Rupees
    Minimum Bid Increment: 1 SINGLE RUPEE
    Auction Ends: 3 days after the last valid bid!
    AUCTION PICKUP: /v +flareauction at /smp8
    Theomglover likes this.
  2. 100001r
  3. 120001r
  4. W h y, 130k
  5. 130001r
  6. 135001r
  7. 137001r
  8. Friendly heads-up for those of you mid-auction:
    The OP has been edited (on request) to reflect the accurate count of Shiny Flesh and Shiny Arrows actually up for auction. Originally it read "6" which has been changed to "6 stacks of" - It's probably not a big deal, as the number went up to match the actual auction-amount, but I didn't want the edit to go unnoticed and lead to confusion later.

    Carry on, and happy bidding :)
    607, DiceTheGambitCat and Theomglover like this.
  9. Bump...Today's the last day unless someone else bids!
  10. Bump~
    Theomglover likes this.
  11. Auction chest/sign ready for pickup! Thanks :D
    Theomglover likes this.
  12. Thread closed at OP's request.
    Tuqueque likes this.
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