[Closed][Auction] DC of Gold Ingots

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MatthewDA, Apr 24, 2015.

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  1. 36k I kinda actually want this now...
  2. ok ok I might stop if you outbid me this time... 36.5k
  3. Good night wyntyrreavyn. I actually left my computer on just long enough to leave you a bed time story:
  4. ... some bedtime story. Where's the soul devouring daemons and great old ones come to reign destruction and woe upon mankind huh? Or at least add a dark elf next time. :p
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  5. Ohh foxy is going to scream at your door....
  6. and wyntyr needs to finish her house of gold
  7. 42k surprise I am here hahaha
    MatthewDA likes this.
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