closed auction - 28 enchanted kit of awesomeness

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by fishyhiggs, Feb 14, 2013.

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  1. 15 mins left
  2. Lil early, time is until 10:31 a.m. today. I'll be on later today to check on it.
  3. 7 mins left guys bid
  4. ok, let me know where to pick up and I'll pay.
  5. ok im at 8200 on smp4
  6. ok i'll be on later today to pay, sorry its taken so long.
  7. ok, all set i paid in full.
  8. im in the wilderness at the moment but when i get back i will put it in access to you
  9. thank you. please let me know here when its all set.
  10. deal is complete, ok to lock this i guess.
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