[CLOSED} [Auction] 1 DC of Sugarcane

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ShelLuser, Oct 10, 2017.

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  1. Item: Sugarcane, one whole DC.
    Starting bid: 100r
    Min. increase: 1r
    Auction ends: 24hrs after last valid bid.

    The search for more money! :D

    Preview & pick up will be on 3544 (smp2). Just go left before the veranda, down the stairs.
  2. This auction is now officially over, and the winner is <drumroll please>:

    Me! :D

    hehehe, you won with your 750r bid Merek. I'll set up the pick up chest in a moment or maybe we'll discuss other stuff in-game. We'll see, either way I'll contact you about it one way or another.
  3. Sounds great!! paying now!! I need it bad!! Had to manually harvest today and used all that up ;) Was just thinking how cool that DC in town woulda been :D
    ShelLuser likes this.
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