[CLOSED] 9 DC and 1 sc of netherrack, 1dc of nether quartz, 1 sc of flint and redstone dust

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by aletrisrex, Oct 24, 2021.

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  1. Auction Item:
    -9 Dc and 1 sc of Netherrack
    -1dc of nether quartz
    -1sc of flint and redstone dust
    Starting Bid: 1r
    Minium Bid Incriment: 2r
    Auction ending time: 48hrs since last valid bid
    Here's Image of auction item:
    +9dc and 1 sc of netherrack:


    +1 dc of nether quartz:

    +1 sc of flint and redstone dusts:
    EfficiencyV likes this.
  2. What a sneaky way to move the (what I consider junk) block. I have no use for all the rack nor flint I have DC's of but I seriously want the flakes and redstone. This is a most genius way of doing this lol. Absolutely brilliant!!

    1,500 r
  3. 1515r because i don't want merek to get this junk he's talking about
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  4. 1530r I can actually make use of "this junk block"
    Allicanto and Merek_Shadower like this.
  5. 1550 because I can smelt this junk block and add to the already piles of dc's of it...
    Allicanto likes this.
  6. 1565r because I need to have more stuff to store
    Allicanto likes this.
  7. 1666r because this just became a contest on who hoards the best
  8. 1688r hoarding is my hobby
  9. hoard, hoard, hoard
  10. Hoard!
  11. 11,111r Hoard²
  12. Hoarding!

  13. I'm gonna hoard so much stuff that the earth will be crushed under the weight of my storage
    i'm going to make the earth flat D:<
  14. Calling all hoarders!!!

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