[CLOSED] 3 different Frog Heads

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ChumMiner, Jun 28, 2022.

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  1. Item: Cold Frog Head, Temperate Frog Head, Warm Frog Head
    Starting Price: 50 rupees
    Minimum Bid Increment: 100 rupees
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after last valid bid
    Preview: 17187 auctions

    Hey all! In celebration of the new heads added to the collection, I'm auctioning off a full set of all 3 different frog heads! Big thanks to Moople for getting out the new heads with the update!

    HazardousCode, MoreMoople and Sefl like this.
  2. 69r
    Sharpie42 likes this.
  3. chum chum chum

    not even a few days and already slaughtering

    ChumMiner likes this.
  4. Hey, we have a winner! Congrats to Greninja! I'll mail them out to you tomorrow.
  5. Paid and picked up 😄
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