[CLOSED] 27 Single Chests of Iron Blocks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Upmostlocket106, Sep 26, 2024.

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  1. I setup an access chest at 7790 in the Lounge section for you so when you pay you can just collect them :)
  2. I think you should contact them via PM
    Upmostlocket106 likes this.
  3. I play with 820 all the time and we often talk on DM and I haven't heard from him since near end of Sept so not sure what's up. He usually replys the next day. Hopefully nothing related to the last hurricane and just busy irl. Worst case, I'd be happy to accept this for him and send the funds if allowed.
    Upmostlocket106 likes this.
  4. i have tried

    Sure, i can add you to the pm ?
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