[Claim] smp6 Outpost Guardian

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Zeketastic2, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. So, there is one problem that I've just come across. I know that this base is not 5,000 blocks away from another outpost. However, the outpost has not been used since I've arrived. I unfortunately started working on it before I realized how close it was and now I've gone too far to move and start new.

    Anyway, all will be welcome just me and a friend currently.
    X: 3000
    (Rough estimate)
  2. Well unfortunately you can't claim it. However you can still make it your outpost. It just can't be fully established. I just looked on /map.. Even if that outpost wasn't abandoned. You are still to close to spawn. You need to be at least 5k away from spawn and 3k away from anyone else.
    Most the time people go to the black sections of the /map. Best of luck to you though.

  3. Alrighty! Well that's unfortunate but thanks!