I don't listen to much of any music. The only music I listen to is the music my mom blares in her car.
TYVM for the give away and gratz! 55 - since 5 is taken and my fall back of 15 is gone! Ok, so on your birthday EMC releases the /promo Cardman142, what type of item is used for it and what does it do?
haha good question. If they were to do that i'd say there would be cards head promo and it would spill lava on the player when they wear it.
My lucky 23, I will ask you this... What has made you continue to stick around on EMC? Real question here
hmmmmm... well I like collecting promos and getting money. I'd say the reason I play is because of my friends and the urge to get better items and more money.
24 Please.... What do you want for your birthday (In EMC of course) And of course ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
happy birthday i hope you had/will have an awesome day for the question i'll have to go with this one:if you would race a frog that's being followed by a pelican, and you would be followed by a taco on wheelswho would win? and well choose whatever number for me as it is your birthday you should have more luck than me choosing the winning number