Carbonyx's Shop v2

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Carbonyx, May 25, 2017.


Will you visit my new Mini Mall?

Yes 2 vote(s) 28.6%
No 1 vote(s) 14.3%
Maybe 4 vote(s) 57.1%
Your mall is trash bro 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Hey guys!

    Time to unveil my project I've been working on for a while in single player, and finally built it on EMC!


    It's my new shop!

    Out of both of my shops, my super super old one (when I was less than 100 days old) was the best, according to friends and customers. It had a similar style (flowers, spruce, wool, small size), so I decided to make it again, but even better! It now has a better selection and 2 floors!

    I've decided to call it my Mini Mall. It has low stock along with low prices! It will sell most building blocks, crops, seeds, ore, clay, wool, glass, and redstone.

    I've set the grand opening date for Friday, June 16! (About 3 weeks from now)

    In this time, I will be finalizing the building and preparing stock for sale!

    Here's a few more images to look at -

    It can be visited with /v +mini on smp5! I hope I'll see all of you there soon!
    mjnoe70 and khixan like this.
  2. I'm assuming you will note the server/address on open... ...and I did state maybe like others as it just depends on what I need, if its on my server (making it easier to get to and no vault costs) as well as the prices compared to other shops. TY for allowing others to give you some input/feedback.
    Carbonyx likes this.
  3. Address and tag are on the bottom :p
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  4. Awesome! An simple layout that looks really appealing!
    mjnoe70 and Carbonyx like this.
  5. Thank you for the feedback :D

    That bright green paragraph outlines the backstory....people loved my old shop, which was much smaller with the same style :p
  6. The giant stores like /v +hoard on smp9 are super efficient. But in my opinion I would like to be the owner of a more naturey shop which I am making now. You seem to have found the middle
    Carbonyx and mjnoe70 like this.
  7. I tried checking out each floor but buttons didn't work nor did selling signs
  8. Opening date is June 16th. No flags until then
  9. Uh, what about people who comment getting some early access! lol, JK! :oops:
    Carbonyx likes this.
  10. Maybe I'll add button flags just to see the 2nd floor :p

    it's literally a clone of the 1st floor :p
  11. Bump. Button flag added so you can see the 2nd floor :p
  12. Bump. Due to some unforeseen IRL circumstances, I need to push back the opening date to July 4th.