I was actually pretty alright with it until the last couple of episodes where it just turned a bit pathetic I'll still probably watch it though, just so I can see how it ends, although if it's not in season 2 I'll just buy the book lol.
I also watch Walking dead and I'm a huge fan of Falling Skies. I would recommend Under The Dome. It was supposed to be a mini series but people liked it so much they continued it.
Sherlock. Its like Doctor Who and made by two of the current writers of it, but its 'better' for you I think It has teenage/adult jokes in it and the storylines in the episodes are entertaining. The only problem is that each series only has three episodes and you have to wait 2 years for Series 4. Aaand you could watch Hell on Wheels. It's made by AMC and its quite good. I've only seen a few episodes though, I lost interest. And then there's Game of Thrones. If you're okay with 50 bajillion nude scenes in each episode (Series 3 has less of those) then it'll be good. IMO they're kind of dumb to have there - in most places they're unneeded so if you can ignore them... And also nothing goes down until the end of Season 2 - and then in Series 3 nothing happens until halfway in. From what i've listened in on through the wall into the living room while my mum is watching it, Series 4 sounds good. Like literally - it sounds good.
The Event was good, but it ended unsatisfactorily. Unless some other network picked it up for further seasons and I'm not aware of it. Extant looks like it might be interesting. Edit: And Clare is right, Fringe was great. We actually had our local library get the first couple of seasons.
Gotham. It's a new series that's coming out on *googles* I have no clue what channel, but it looked really good xD ur just jellous
I know you said new... but some good WW2 ones thats a 10 part series each are Band of Brothers and the Pacific.
I'm surprised no one has brought up Community, and it was just saved by Yahoo to have a few more seasons
They left the book a long time ago. I looked it up online and the only real similarities with plot is that there is a dome and characters with the same name. I did watch the season 2 episode and am now stuck in it again.