I would laugh so hard if Mojang allowed username changes, then everyone changed theirs to the one the posted here.
word [wurd] noun 1.a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, thatfunctions as a principal carrier of meaning. Words are composed of one or more morphemes and areeither the smallest units susceptible of independent use or consist of two or three such unitscombined under certain linking conditions, as with the loss of primary accent that distinguishesblack·bird· from black· bird·. Words are usually separated by spaces in writing, and are distinguishedphonologically, as by accent, in many languages. 2.(used in combination with the first letter of an offensive or unmentionable word, the first letter beinglowercase or uppercase, with or without a following hyphen): My mom married at 20, and she mentionsthe m-word every time I meet someone she thinks is eligible. 3.words. a.speech or talk: to express one's emotion in words; Words mean little when action is called for. b.the text or lyrics of a song as distinguished from the music. c.contentious or angry speech; a quarrel: We had words and she walked out on me. 4.a short talk or conversation: Marston, I'd like a word with you. 5.an expression or utterance: a word of warning.
what [hwuht, hwot, wuht, wot; unstressed hwuht, wuht] Show IPA pronoun 1. (used interrogatively as a request for specific information): What is the matter? 2. (used interrogatively to inquire about the character, occupation, etc., of a person): What does he do? 3. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the origin, identity, etc., of something): What are those birds? 4. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the worth, usefulness, force, or importance of something): What is wealth without friends? 5. (used interrogatively to request a repetition of words or information not fully understood, usually used in elliptical constructions): You need what?
About Derp is an expression associated with stupidity, much like the earlier forms of interjections like “duh” and “dur.” In image macros, the subject is typically portrayed with eyes that are pointed to each side and a caption that reads “DERP.” The words “herp” and “derp” are often used in rage comics to replace nondescript names or parts of conversation. See also: Are You a Wizard.