[buying] shulker boxes/shells, elytra, beacons, wither skulls and more...

Discussion in 'Buying' started by mjnoe70, Sep 11, 2017.

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  1. Buying shulker boxes, shulker shells, parrot eggs, wither skulls, beacons and elytra.

    SMP1 /v 2756 Main items just inside to your left!

    shulker boxes 3200 each
    shulker shells 1500 each
    beacons 8800 each
    wither skulls 2850 each
    elytra 8800 each

    Buying white, light gray and gray concrete at 150 per stack.

    Also buying dragon heads, parrot eggs, totems and terracotta.

    PM me for larger bulk selling deals.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  2. You don't list a price for parrot eggs but they are 1700 at 10959 and that is the lowest price I have seen anywhere.
  3. Hmmm, pretty nice advertising job ya got going there ;) and I have purchased a few. However, the difference is when someone wants to purchase (selling threads) them from a shop rather than those whom may have "obtained them" and is looking for a shop to sell (buying threads) them to. I'm buying to resell, not buying at retail.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  4. i can sell all those tings for half price besides the ylitra
  5. Closing thread
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