[BUYING] Purple Party Items. Rupees

Discussion in 'Buying' started by ShrinkingMatt, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. Kinda want an Aikar head, not really sure why.

    Is 150k good? PM me and we'll work something out. [Bought]

    Also buying:
    2017 Birthday cookie: 15k?
    Purple Power Crystal: A lot?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  2. Pretty sure the general price is 250k.
  3. Uhm, no?
  4. I was just speaking with some people who were still paying under 100k lol. I thought 150k was a decent offer, I was wrong however.

    If anyone is still interested in selling one then feel free to PM me and we can talk it over. Cheers.
  5. 2017? Got one spare I think, hmu.

    nvm lost all 5
    ShrinkingMatt likes this.
  6. I have 2 PPP crystals, I can sell you one.
    ShrinkingMatt likes this.
  7. Sadly you aren't currently in game and I'm unable to contact you privately via the forums.
  8. When will you next be in game? If you could shoot me a PM, that's be greatly appreciated. Thank you.