(BUYING) New Years Drop Party items

Discussion in 'Buying' started by AncientTower, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. I wasn't able to make this year and didn't know if anyone had a double item they'd be willing to let me buy.

    2018 New Years Drop Party items

    Send me a pm please.
  2. What are you willing to pay for Aikar, Krysyy heads or her sig

    sold sigs
  3. Note: signature was not NYE specific and has been dropped at other events
    AncientTower and Foxy_Kitty like this.
  4. Thanks for clarification
  5. You have the newest? Just asking cause you got a reverse auction and a buying thread yourself.
  6. Yes I have Krysyy and Aikar head. Yeah I am closing those threads.
  7. sent you a pm.