[Buying] Mining picks

Discussion in 'Buying' started by Deathtomb8953, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. Been out of the loop for a few years. Who is selling picks i need a lot for a massive build looking for the following enchants [eff5,ub3,silk1] or [eff5, ub3] or if you're willing to supply im looking to by a dc worth.
    Pab10S likes this.
  2. Would mending be useful? I know you said you have been out of the loop for a few years.
    Pab10S likes this.
  3. Mending allows exp orbs you collect to fix items that have mending, Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I have read that when you pick up an exp orb it chooses one item with mending you are currently wearing to apply a fix to, if that item is full repaired it will give you the exp instead of choosing another item with mending.

    So your best option while mining is to have mending only on your pickaxe. so when you break ores you get exp and it keeps your pickaxe repaired, as the game can only choose your pickaxe to repair. only problem is you cannot run this with silk touch because then your not getting any exp from ores to keep it repaired.

    As to stay on topic a lil I'm not selling any but /smp5 /v Tuckerambr Sell's some nice pickaxe's with [eff5,ub3,silk1] for cheap that's where I get mine from. :)
  4. I think if something is fully mended it may still absorb XP. Anyway 5 minutes at a good XP farm would fully mend things.