[ BUYING ] Infinity mending bow

Discussion in 'Buying' started by 586, Dec 23, 2017.

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  1. Looking for a bow with both infinity and mending enchants on it. I don't mind if it has other enchants on it, just let me know which other enchants are on it.

    Not sure how much I'd be willing to buy it for so, just make offers!

    Please make offers in private messages.
  2. !!! Still looking for an infinity mending bow !!!!
  3. You have an idea how much you are gonna buy one for? Cause I can make one tonight
  4. hmmm you can't make them anymore,
    i do have some i can sell
    tho i'm not sure how much they are worth
    they only have infinity and mending on them
    Theomglover and 586 like this.
  5. You can no longer make infinity mending bows that's why I have to buy it. Not sure how much they go for as I've only ever seen one for sale, but if the price is around the same, I'll probably purchase it.
    Theomglover likes this.
  6. I have a god bow, inf Mending, flame 2, power 5, unbreaking 3 etc
    586 likes this.
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