Discussion in 'Buying' started by ChespinLover77, Nov 11, 2017.

  1. Hello! With the Halloween celebration wrapped up, I've decided to start buying the candies others have obtained off of them ^-^
    Currently every type of candy will earn you 15r!

    If you wish to trade your candy for rupez, then there will be a chest set up directly at the spawn of /v 6003 or /v +msi

    Bixlow_ likes this.
  2. Will the price ever raise?
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  3. Perhaps, perhaps not
  4. Bump! Selling ye candy is great for some quick cash!
  5. Bump! Added more chests so you can sell either 8, or 16 at a time! ^-^
  6. Bump the price and I’ll sell
  7. I'm still buying these ! ^-^/