Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by xHaro_Der, Sep 8, 2015.

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  1. I am buying up to 72 stacks of gold (8 stacks blocks)! I am looking for whoever can supply with any amount (minimum 5 stacks) at a good price. Please PM me if you have some for sale.

    EDIT - only need 38 more stacks

    EDIT2 - bought it all thanks :)
    Penguinub likes this.
  2. Playing in one round, or both? :p
    Boozle_ likes this.
  3. Depends :p
  4. I believe Finch_Rocks_1 sells it for nearly the cheapest on the empire? I may be wrong
  5. Already contacted him, he is no longer doing it and is unable to for that matter.
  6. Ask Thakloned. We MIGHT have it, might not, unsure right this moment as I haven't been able to be on game in 3 days now...
    ShrinkingNub and xHaro_Der like this.
  7. Looks like you want to make a stack of god apples. Seeing the outrageous price they went for at auction I understand.
  8. I've sourced 34 stacks but still need 38 stacks :)
  9. How much would you pay for 4 stacks of gold blocks?
    BFInc and xHaro_Der like this.
  10. 20k? Based off what I've been paying so far that sounds fair?
  11. Few times, I've been round that track
    So it's not just gonna happen like that
    Cuz I ain't no topic bump girl!
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