[Buying] 34 DCs of redstone dust

Discussion in 'Buying' started by PetezzaDawg, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. I'm in need of a very large quantity of redstone dust. I don't need one person to supply all 34 dcs but I'm only going to buy in DC and SC amounts. I'll pay 2r per redstone dust or 6912r per DC. Thanks in advance,

    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  2. What are going to make?
  3. Observers and pistons. And I did my maths wrong since observers need two redstone dust each, I need to request the title be changed. I'm actually buying 34 DCS of dust.
    Ryan_A_ and AncientTower like this.
  4. What are you going to do with the observers and pistons? sell them? or do you have a large sugarcane farm in mind
  5. Massive gold farm
    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  6. Bump!
    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  7. Ryan_A_ likes this.
  8. Bump! Got some excess redstone you need to get rid off? Sell it to me and get some rupees!
    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  9. Bump! Still looking!
    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  10. Start with a small gold farm. You're going to kill zombie pigmen, aren't you? Collect that rotten flesh. Find a cleric villager. Sell rotten flesh to him, buy redstone dust. Expand farm. Collect more rotten flesh. Sell more. Get more redstone. Expand even more. Exponential growth!
  11. That takes way too long and way too much rotten flesh, I'd rather just buy it.
    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  12. If it helps, im sure i can provide the pistons for you and at the best price too. How many pistons do you need?
  13. I need the redstone to make the Pistons, it's cheaper that way than buying the Pistons.
  14. I see your point. How much would you need to spend per piston so it wasnt the more expensive option?
  15. I'd need each piston to not factor in the crafting time, iron or cobblestone content. The stuff I need to buy is redstone and wood (I'm just going to get the wood from a bulk shop)
  16. Bump! Still looking for 33 more DCs, and a reminder I do not wish to purchase observers or pistons ready made, thanks.