This question has been bothering me for some time. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Dats wrong. Its supposed ta be 3 cubic feet of wood per day. Get yo' math staright san. ( Go country accents! )
I swear on my life that when I was 16 I called my local zoo and asked them that same question. They said the key word was "if". They went on to say because of the bone structure they would not chuck much wood, as they were currently built. . They through in some more technical jargon that I don't remember. A wood chuck is also known as a groundhog
The answer: A wood chuck could chuck as much wood as a wood chuck would chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood Shorting this down: 74
I already said you guys, its 3 cubic feet, sheesh.... LIKE MY COMMENT I NEED ONE MORE LIKE FOR 800 LIKES!