Bone Machine - Calling all PWU Members

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by khixan, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. I got busy with the family....I'll get it finished tomorrow.
    khixan likes this.
  2. OK I have decorated and I gave you permanent vouch so if you need to change something you can. Let me know what you think. I need someone to try to break blocks just to be sure I had buildmode activated.
    khixan likes this.
  3. Woo hoo! Feel free and thank you! All materials are at /v khixan-3@pwu. I am like 90% sure you have access there. And if you don't, poke an PWU member. Thank you again!
    I just got home from work after 1.5 hour in traffic. Imma eat, help Kye with homework, and go fall on face asleep LOL.
    Tbird1128 likes this.
  4. I'm finished just need you to check it out and see if it's up to your standards :D:rolleyes:
    khixan likes this.