Blu's Promos

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by BluMacow101, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. Blu's Promos
    As some of you may know I have always wanted to make a successful promo shop so here is my best shot. Blu's Promos does NOT have every single promo but maybe one day it will have most of the promos. Some things that will be in my shop will be Special Offers, basically a low sell and buy price. You can get to Blu's Promos by going to 14142 or +Blu on smp7.

    If you want to donate rupees to Blu's Promos then please send them to BluMacow101. With your help, we can make this promo shop one of the best promo shops on EMC.

    NOTE: I am NOT trying to bring the other promo shops down. I am just making a new one.
    Bixlow_ likes this.
  2. Special Offer:

  3. Not to be a stick in the mud but asking to donate to your promo shop and selling them off looks like a get rich scheme.
    MrClydeBarrow likes this.
  4. Gonna have to painfully agree with you on this one
    MrClydeBarrow likes this.
  5. Promos is a tough industry...I've been on EMC for five years and seen many quality promos go in and out of my possession for various financial reasons, even though we all strive for our own personal collection or perhaps an eventual retail location of them. It appears as if you're a new member. Not judging because I'm sure you've put some educated thought into this operation but I just wanted to give some advice...Maybe try to start smaller with the easily obtainable and reliable items that you can find within the Wastelands and Nether, or perhaps build your infrastructure by learning to construct automatic farms in the Town world. Successful businesses take a long time to plan out and develop, and making an EMC "Exclusive Items" type of shop is very hard to pull off as your first entrepreneurial endeavor. My first shop was similar and the end result was an unwise Jug that had no rupees and a lot of wasted time :p Just my advice and I'd be glad to discuss further options with you
    FoxyRavenger and The_D1rt_Lord like this.
  6. Ok, thanks for your advice.
    FirstJugBurgerz likes this.
  7. The Grand Opening will be sometime later December or early January.