Best XP farm on EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by THE_OP_VILLAGER, May 13, 2018.

  1. Hello fellow empirerians I was curious what is the best do grinder and where is it? Let me know if you have a good one I can use
  2. I find that trading with villagers is great for gaining XP :)
    ThaKloned and Tuqueque like this.
  3. Sorry but I can’t trade with myself so going on
    Just can’t
    It’s impossible can’t give your self something for something
  4. Just wondering but is there a wither skelly farm?
  5. i think i should poke a friend of mine to make a guide 4 farm locations ^.^

    have u tried PWU? its on SMP8, just do /wild n and follow the path. it has everything. here is a cool thread:

    pigmentus is really best 4 xp. is a gold farm so u get gold + xp.

    theres also a skellie grinder @ smp2 waste. do /waste s, go north (i think) and follow the signs. just look around for signs.
    AncientTower likes this.
  6. That is a TERRIBLE farm for EMC.

    Gold farms or villager trading is how you are going to get the most xp.

    There is a public wither skelly farm on smp8 just do /nether and go south. (pretty sure its south, its pretty obvious though) It isn't the greatest as far as efficiency but it works well enough. half the area that the wither skellies can spawn on are covered for some odd reason. I know there are other wither skeleton farms on emc but people are generally pretty secretive of them as they take a LOT of work if they are any good at all.
  7. /smp8 /fnether follow the rails to the NHG (Nether Hunting Grounds) fun place to go will wither skeletons.. (Manual)