Best methods for best horses?

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by thistle_bristled, Aug 5, 2015.


How do you get the fastest horses?

Buy one, duh. 12 vote(s) 60.0%
Egging after each breeding 3 vote(s) 15.0%
Egging after a few breedings 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Find one in the wild 3 vote(s) 15.0%
Jud hundreds of times and get lucky 10 vote(s) 50.0%
Other (leave a comment) 1 vote(s) 5.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Color of horse or type of food have no bearings on the offspring's stats. The best method of getting horses with better stats is to be patient and breed.... breed...breed! So be prepared to use loads of golden carrots!

    I'm concentrating on producing 130+ non white horses now. Its been painstakingly slow! I was able to get a few good high 130's non white horses, but DC's upon DC's of dollar store horses.
  2. Hey I bought a 131.69 from u and it was white but I would like a diefferent colour
  3. Using a cupid's bow to breed them is actually cheaper than golden carrots. Also, I've heard (but not confirmed) that breeding a normal horse with a promo horse yields better numbers, so buying a used Dancer or Incatius (sp?) would be a wise investment.