Banned by R0bbieJo

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Maxx2754, Apr 8, 2015.

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  1. Alright, I'll make this brief so I wont waste your time. If there is a person I should talk to for this matter please mention the name.
    I have been trying to get on to this server today (I looked up Economy Server and this looked like a classy server), except it simply says I was banned for using a flying mod by R0bbieJo. I asked my older brother (who used this account prior to giving it to me recently) if he ever used this server, and he says he doesn't remember (I think he does but just doesn't want to admit he did what he did to get banned). I would just like to be unbanned and maybe have my information reset if that is possible, thanks. I understand if you cannot.

    My current in game name is Bassoon. I was lucky enough to type in Maxx's old in game name and his password which I haven't changed to get on the forums.

    Again, I understand if my request is denied.
  2. We3_Nub_ and Maxx2754 like this.
  3. Maxx2754 likes this.
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