Auctioning Promo's

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by xSkitzie, Nov 28, 2016.

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  1. I have over stock of these and would like to auction them :D

    5x Pot of Gold
    1x 2015 Labor Bench

    Starting bid 5,000r
    minimum ibid increments 500r
    Auction Ends 72 hours after receiving first bid.

    Thanks and happy bidding :D
  2. 5,000 rupees
  3. Pots of gold all unused, so is the labor bench! Come on yall :D
    607 and Tuqueque like this.
  4. Bumpy bump :D
  5. thank you guys!
  6. 82000 rupees!
  7. You guys rock thank you so much :D
  8. Its cool that you are thanking everyone for their bids, but make sure that you don't post on the thread for at least 3 hours after the last post on the thread, including bids. (Meaning if somebody posts, the timer *resets* in a way.)

    The only time this rule *doesn't* apply is when you are answering questions, but try to only do that at most once per auction. Otherwise, these are considered illegal "bumps," since you are bumping the thread more often than you are allowed to. (Posting on a thread "bumps" it up in the "Recent Threads" section on the front page).

    Thank you very much, and happy bidding!
    Sgt_Pepper4, 607 and Sachrock like this.
  9. Sorry about that.
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