[ auction ] stone bricks double chest

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by mace2332, Oct 31, 2012.


How long did it take me to collect the stone bricks

Poll closed Nov 6, 2012.
1 day 9 vote(s) 40.9%
4 days 6 vote(s) 27.3%
6 days 5 vote(s) 22.7%
11 days 2 vote(s) 9.1%
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  1. Oh... It's on. 7k
  2. i'm out
  3. I guess we're playing the waiting game now. I have the last bid.
  4. soz guys been away for a while and their is a new winner with 2840r finishes Melbourne time 7:38 in morning thx sox for any issues
  5. SOLD to you sir Kman122000 for 8120r please do not pay me until I come back online that will be Friday Australia Melbourne time

    Please do not excessively bump an auction. Thank you. -Max. :)
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