[AUCTION] Stable Voucher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MissFable, Nov 10, 2014.

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  1. Item: 1 Stable Voucher
    Starting Bid: 2000r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 250r
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after last bid

    The chest:
    Pickup will be at: residence 10694 on smp5 (Go through the auction teleport>look in the chest with your name on it).
    Note: As of the time I'm posting this the dark oak auction has concluded so this is not over the 1 auction limit.
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  2. Guess I should have stuck with wood blocks. Bump:p.
  3. Not giving up:p. Bump.
  4. Sold to Uber_Corq for 4000r. Send your payment and your Stable Voucher will be awaiting you at 10694 on smp5 (Go through auction teleporter > the chest with your name on it).
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