[Auction] Shovel Knight Starter Kit

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Unoski, Oct 31, 2016.

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  1. Have you ever wanted to become a Shovel Knight? Well, you are in for a treat!

    Aside from the useful items, this auction has everything you need to become a shovel knight.

    Item: 11 shovels
    Starting Bid: 1r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 50r
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after the last valid bid

    Diamond Shovels:
    1. Fortune 1
    2. Efficiency IV
    3. Efficiency IV, Fortune II
    4. Efficiency IV, Mending
    Iron Shovels:
    1. Efficiency IV, Mending
    2. Unbreaking III
    3. Fortune II
    4. Efficiency IV
    5. Efficiency III
    6. Efficiency IV, Silk Touch, Mending
    7. Unbreaking III, Mending
  2. no_thing likes this.
  3. Looks like you won.

    The shovels have been mailed. I expect the payment soon.
  4. This auction can be closed as soon as the winner confirms receiving the goods and op has been paid.

    Please feel free to post here or pm me including the other auction participant in the pm.
  5. Can confirm payment.
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