[AUCTION] Set of Enchanted Diamond Armor

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by padde73, Sep 1, 2012.

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  1. glasi13 is in the lead again with 5k
  2. OH nickjwolfe is in the lead with 7k
  3. do i hear 7.5 k
  4. Does anyone have the courage to bid higher?
  5. plz stop bumping every like 5 minutes just give it time
  6. 7K!! I don't even have that many rupees...
  7. then you cant bid dont make false bids and plus i alrdy bet 7k so either raise or dont bid plz
  8. you really shouldn't bid if you don't have the money that can get you banned from the auction forums and even though you bid the same as nickjwolfe had he not bid 7k before you, you would have to pay the 7,000 rupee's you just bid
  9. Oh, I just said it's a lot of money. I'm not bidding:p
  10. lol u might want to specify tht next time :p
  11. well most people don't like you to post on there auction thread's unless your bidding so just be careful when your posting on auction threads
  12. Sorry for making it un clear.
  13. Yeah:D
    I will!
  14. Nickjwolfe is still in the lead with 7k
  15. do i hear 7.5 k
  16. Okay... like 17 bumps in 5 hours?
  17. Do i hear 7.5
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