[Auction] Saltar and Incitatus Promo Horses

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by AvocadoMatt, Sep 26, 2013.

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  1. since the stats have been list yes they have been used
    Samurai_Pig likes this.
  2. Yeah, I should have noticed that really. >.<
  3. Why would it matter if the eggs were used? Besides the fact you'll need to wait 20 minutes for them to grow or use some type of horse feed to grow them.
  4. The lore on the egg, everyone wants one. I have 3 unused ones with the original lores just because they were original and look cool :cool: So yeah the original in egg ones cost more because they are getting rarer ~FD
    Samurai_Pig likes this.
  5. Yes if it has stats its used
  6. This was already answered. Please don't make unnecessary posts.
  7. Mr_Zulus wins with 17.5k
    Congrats on your new horses.
    Petero555 likes this.
  8. Bump, Bump, Bump, YAY! Thx :)
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