Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Loic_MaitreDuFeu, Mar 14, 2018.

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  1. Promo!!!
    Starting Bid : 1
    Minimum Bid Increment : 1000
    Auction Ending Time : 48h after last BID!
    ThaKloned likes this.
  2. Any specific promo or all of em :D
  3. The Promo are :
    Pizza Hut 500K Pick
    Blizz Arm
    Blizz Nose
    Turkey Slicer {turkey drop}
    Cupid Bow {Unbreaking III}
    ThaKloned likes this.
  4. Lol i forgot to list them and you had time to reply about xD
    ThaKloned likes this.
  5. Not to sound rude, but I'm pretty sure you can only bump after 3 hours of the last post :)
  6. BUMP still very cheap!
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