[AUCTION] One Double Chest of Freshly Hewn Stone

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by jacob5089, Feb 23, 2019.

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  1. Welcome, weary travelers!
    Rest your legs as I bring to you my humble marketplace offering.
    Long have I toiled to bring you these wares.

    From the depths of the Earth, I have brought forth 3,456 of the finest pebbles known to man
    Now, you may ask yourself,'What in Notch's name can I do with 3,456 pebbles?'

    Worry not, for I shall show you.

    With this stone, you can make marvelous creations.
    Stairs, hewn from from the Earth itself.
    Slabs, to prevent creatures of the night from appearing.
    Bricks, with which to build your home.
    You may place it simply as a foundation, or you may break it to keep the beasts of the Nether at bay

    For this quantity of wondrous material, I ask simply for an exchange of 1000 rupees.
    If, say, a bidding war were to emerge, I would hope that each bidder would offer 100 rupees more than the previous bidder.
    As I am hoping to get rid of my stone, I will accept the offer that comes 48 hours after the last valid one.

    I bid thee well, traveler.
    ThaKloned, TomvanWijnen and Lukas3226 like this.
  2. Bump :) a bit late today
  3. You have one! I can either deliver it to your res or you can pick it up at mine, whichever works best for you. Just let me know :)
  4. Oops sorry, didn’t realise I had won haha, I’ll pay when I get on which should be today. I’ll be fine to pick it up from your res. Which smp is it on?
  5. Paid and awaiting the information of where to pick up. Sorry for the delay in realising I had won.
  6. No worries! I'll set up the access chest when I can get on later this afternoon. It will be on smp2, res 4029
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