What: 1 DC Prismarine1 DC Prismarine Bricks1 DC Dark Prisamarine1 DC Sea Lanterns1 DC Raw FishStarting bid: 5,000rMinimum bid increment: 1,000rAuction ending time: 48 hours after last valid bidPreview and Pick up /v 10333 on SMP5Happy Bidding!!
TomVanWijnen is in the lead with 11K. That's less than 20% of value!! Y'all ain't gonna let him get that good a deal are ya? BUMP
and Gawadrolt has swooped in and trounced the competition with a bid of 60k. After reading his story about his own fish farm, I'm surprised he needs any surplus from other ones. BUMP
..AND...Gawadrolt has won this aution with a bid of 60k! Access will be setup tomorrow at v/ 10333 SMP5 once payment has been received. Thanks to y'all for bidding and helping me with my spring cleaning. Stay tuned for even more great deals!