[Auction] Marlix's Helmet

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by DarkLunarKitten, Jan 3, 2016.

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  1. Item: ___Marlix's Helmet______
    Starting Bid: ____20r_____
    Minimum Bid Increment: __20r______
    Auction Ending Time: ____24Hours after last valid bid_____
  2. Ohhh heck to the no this is mine! 21k
  3. No!!! 25k!!
  4. I need this to go higher 25K is not enough
  5. I shall throw my hat into the ring.... 26001r
  6. Nope I may already be in the office but I shall bid 26,500r
  7. *cough* 26999 *cough*
  8. Twenty seven thousand and nineteen!
  9. 30k there happy
  10. May it bump up a tad more?
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