[Auction] Loadout #1

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Choongjae, May 17, 2013.


Should I do a version of this with an axe and sword?

Yes. 18 vote(s) 90.0%
No. 2 vote(s) 10.0%
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  1. Bumpity bump, bumpity bump bump bump!
    KiloRahe likes this.
  2. Why did you go and do that? Come on, Mr. PENCIL! haha

    28,100 rupees

    I really need this.
    KiloRahe likes this.
  3. Lets see, 30 tools total...

    That is 1k per tool :)
    KiloRahe likes this.
  4. You better check it again. There are only 18 tools, making your math way wrong. I'm willing to pay 1,673 rupees for each tool which makes my bid 30,114 rupees.
    KiloRahe likes this.
  5. 'nother bump, let's notch it up peeps!

    Also, nukem, no need to add a random smiley face. :)
  6. Bump! Ya know you want it!
  7. Final bump! Enjoy!
  8. It's been 48 hours, does this mean I win?
    KiloRahe likes this.
  9. I believe so. Just tell me you payed, and i'll set it up. :)
    KiloRahe likes this.
  10. I just paid. Where do I go to pick it up?
    KiloRahe likes this.
  11. Now that nukem has payed and he has received the pack, I shall soon begin my axe and sword version of this!

    (Just a sidenote. I will NOT be doing 3 axes and 3 swords. Less then that. :) )
    Anyways, Cheers!
    KiloRahe likes this.
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