[Auction] Gold Supporter Voucher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by mosey_07, Jun 5, 2019.

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  1. And who said this was your auction?
  2. it doesnt matter if you paid him back or not. he offered 1r and you said deal. it doesnt matter whether you were being sarcastic or not.
  3. This is why they assume it:
    In regards to this statement:
    The point of them uploading that was probably to show that you were trying to sell the item that you are auctioning. I cannot speak on lickthesofa's behalf but I doubt they care that much about 1r.

    I also think that quitting is a bit of a harsh reaction, take a few days off and take some time to think about what's happening. Decisions in the heat of the moment may not be the best for you and you may regret what you do.

    In regards to the auction, you cannot cancel this as it has bids. Please PM me if you don't have a gold voucher to give to the winner and we can work something out.

    EDIT: I am helping the player out by offering a gold voucher, the winner will receive the voucher via mail from me.
  4. Still selling, you can bid now.
  5. Since this is still valid

    I believe the last valid bid was 36k if I am correct so I bid 40k
  6. Last valid bid was 51k
    thefriedmans likes this.
  7. Nope it's not vallid thefriedmans hits head on a wall
  8. Just so I know will you finish the auction then leave emc??? If so good luck with life and other games
  9. I am only leaving for a little break, the auction will be finished by then. I figured that a block game is less important then frikin life. lol
  10. I am really confused
    Lukas3226 and KatydidBuild like this.
  11. Why do people assume? Why didn't they just state the rules and come up with a conclusion? I'm sorry that this stuff happened - 37k
  12. Sorry ^ 41k*
  13. This is current bid I though?
  14. 52k then, sorry I was having trouble directing through the page-
    fBuilderS likes this.
  15. 70k
    Ariesis likes this.
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