[Auction] God Sword, Bow

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by BTHarrold98, Nov 11, 2013.

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  1. Starting Bid: 5k
    Auction Ends: 24 hours After Last Valid Bid
    Bid Increment: 500r 2013-11-11_21.50.50.png 2013-11-11_21.50.40.png
  2. wait i mean 5500
  3. _
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  4. I believe I won.
  5. Ok pay then i will set up a access chest for you.
  6. What res will this be on?
  7. The sign was set up wrong, my name has two "k"s in it "BlackKnight1021"
  8. you need to pay
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