AUCTION Fortune III Pick And Fortune III Shovel

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Codygraw, Jul 3, 2012.

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  1. Bones in the lead with 3.5k!!!!!!!!!
  2. Bone bid 3.5k at 5:00PM so auction will be over a 11:00PM FOR ME unless someone else bids!!!!!!!!
  3. Rules

    Do not post in an auction thread unless it meets one of the following criteria:

    • You are asking a question about the posted item.
    • You are making a bid on an item.
    • You won and are discussing transaction details with the host.
    Bid: 3.6k
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  4. These are 6/8 bumps. Why so many? If nobody else wants it, so be it. It was YOUR decision to auction this off, so you dont need to bump each hour okay? And thats so much color, everything is colorful in my eyes after reading those posts......0.O
    Herbrin3 likes this.
  5. Now herbrin3 im am discussing the product(s) I may or may not win so I can totally post this:

    Im feeling generous today so if I win the auction I will do a Giveaway. :)
  6. Re.

    Do not post in an auction thread unless it meets one of the following criteria:

    • You are asking a question about the posted item.
    • You are making a bid on an item.
    • You won and are discussing transaction details with the host
    Posts that did not meet that requirement are;

    That's 12 of the 23 posts, breaching the rules.

    I therefore ask mods to declare this auction invalid.
  7. Well i'm sorry others do this all of thr time and this is my first bid so i did know much btwPig you won Pick Up: SMP8 17109
  8. Ok that message is wrong, Well i'm sorry, others do this all of the time and this is my first auction so i didn't know much BTW xI_LIKE_A_PIGx you won Pick Up: SMP8 17109
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