Auction for Diamond Pick Eff. II and Unbreaking II

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by EvilServerAdmin, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. yeah this pik inst worth that much
  2. Yea i guess nvm
  3. Lawl!! If you read, the guy is new and I'd like to help him out.
  4. hey thanks
    i meant to stop earlier, but had to do an errand so ya nighmare come to res
  5. wait i will put it in tommorow at 4:30 ct
  6. I payed you...can't figure out where to get it on ur lot.
  7. wait, it's set up for iCurtis, so i will take the r back the next time you are on please.
  8. hey im sorry i was bz
    i got the chest set up now
    you may please get it