[ Auction ] Everlasting Axestopper

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by deathconn, Apr 30, 2020.

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  1. Some of you may know, and some of you do not. My main account got hacked into and stolen from me and I'm having a difficult time getting it back, despite contacting mojang. But Everything was transferred to my alts account and will resume working on my promo collection and mall! Thanks!

    Everlasting Axestopper

    Starting Bid:

    Minimum Bid increment:

    Auction Ending Time:
    48 hours after the final bid
    liamwill likes this.
  2. 200k :)

    I hope you'll get your account back foon! :)
    deathcorn likes this.
  3. 300,000
  4. 400,000
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