[AUCTION] Epic Diamond Pick

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Ryuga_XI, May 12, 2013.

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  1. Cool it with the caps please. Please do not bump the thread until 3 hours after the last post. (Including replys)

    If the starting big is 500r, the first player to bid may bid 500r.

    Also when making the Auction End, please make it clear. No one is sure whether you meant one week after the thread was created, or if you meant one week after the last bid.
    generalfelino015 likes this.
  2. What day the auction ends?
  3. Oh. Just to clarify, 1 week after this thread was created
  4. Just realized: The highest bidder actually's got 350 rupees more on his bid than I bought it for.
  6. MosoCraft wins the auction with 1600r! MosoCraft, come to 1540 to claim your prize! (Not now. I'll tell you when.)
  7. Just so you know, you broke the rules more the once in this auction, even after I told you what not to do. Don't mess up again or you will be banned from the auction house.
    generalfelino015 likes this.
  8. When will the pick be ready?
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