[Auction]Enchantment Pack

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by pengw7n, Jun 24, 2012.

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  1. 333kirby Shutting rabidleeches down with a bid of 29.5k!
  2. im going all out
  3. Well then how many rupees do you have? I'll just outbid you now
  4. wait i ment 43k to 333kirby
  5. Noted. Connor_1116 still in the lead with a bid of 33k
  6. Seems like I've kicked Dwight out. Time to take out this iron man dude with a bid of:
  7. Aah, why not. 44k
  8. 333kirby scaring the competition away with a bid of 44k!
  9. uh 333kirby didnt bid
    he said
    aah, why not. 44k
    thats not a bid
  10. if that is a bid then im out if that is
  11. How is that not a bid? It was intended to be. Plus, that's cheap, 4.4k per pik
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